A downloadable game for Windows

To be dead or to be alive, that is the question. Presenting to you, Game of Death - A Dreadful twist to Conway’s game of life theory.

In a conventional world, Game of Life is an infinite, two-dimensional orthogonal grid of square cells, each of which is in one of two possible states, live or dead, (or populated and unpopulated, respectively). Every cell interacts with its eight neighbors, which are the cells that are horizontally, vertically, or diagonally adjacent. At each step in time, the following transitions occur:

  1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies, as if by underpopulation.
  2. Any live cell with two or three live neighbors lives on to the next generation.
  3. Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies, as if by overpopulation.
  4. Any dead cell with exactly three live neighbors becomes a live cell, as if by reproduction.

But that is not how things work in Eroda Island. The dead cells have undergone mutation and now they are after the lives of the living ones. The clock is ticking and you have very limited time to save the lives of those cells. Can you help them survive this Game of Death? 

How to Play?

Once you hit ‘Play’ on the home screen, you’ll be prompted to choose one of the three configurations (initial state of cells).

You’ll land in Eroda Island. You can move around by pressing arrow keys and shoot by using left mouse button. 

And thats how you'll save the world, fight and destroy all the zombies before they make everything worse.


build.zip 25 MB

Install instructions

Download all files in same directory and open game-of-death.exe file

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